A Plan for the Future of R-22 Refrigerants
from 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty
In an effort to better protect the atmosphere, manufacturers have been prohibited from making systems that use R-22 (sometimes referred to as Freon®) since 2015, and production ceased in 2020. Air conditioners using R-22 may still be serviced with recycled R-22 moving forward, however costs of R-22 may rise as supplies become limited.
What Does this Mean for Clients?
What You Should Know About Refrigerants
Air conditioners manufactured before 2015 likely use the refrigerant R-22. Do your homeowners know the potential costs to replace their system’s refrigerant? Without a home warranty from 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2-10 HBW), your clients could pay $80 per pound of refrigerant, totaling over $700 for a complete refrigerant replacement.
2-10 HBW provides unlimited refrigerants – including R-22 and alternative refrigerants – plus SEER matching, without additional out-of-pocket costs. Other warranty providers put dollar limits on the amount they pay for refrigerants and don’t offer SEER matching, refrigerant recapture, haul away or disposal services.

How SEER Matching Benefits Your Clients
Wondering how to protect your clients’ budget? Offer them a home warranty from 2-10 HBW that includes retrofitting and SEER matching. If necessary when affecting a repair, 2-10 HBW will bring the entire HVAC system up to the current required minimum SEER level at no additional cost to the homeowner.
Retrofitting an air conditioner to be compatible with alternative refrigerants makes future repairs easier, decreasing costs. It’s important to ensure all units are the same SEER level – having an air conditioner and furnace with different efficiency ratings can wear on the system and possibly cause a breakdown.