
6 Signs You’ve Found the Perfect Real Estate Agent | 2-10 Blog

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Here’s How to Tell if You’ve Found Your Ideal Real Estate Agent

Whether you want to buy or sell, you need a real estate agent you trust to guide you through the process. To find the perfect fit, here’s what you need to look out for.

1. You enjoy being around them

You’ll be spending a lot of time with your agent, so it’s important that you actually like their company. If you find yourself dreading a real estate agent’s phone calls and emails, it’s probably time to find someone else.

This piece of advice might sound obvious, but plenty of homeowners continue to work with agents that they simply don’t enjoy being around.

2. Your real estate agent is responsive, available, and communicative

Good communication is a bare minimum requirement of a real estate agent.

Buying or selling a home is a big deal, and you need a professional who ’is committed to answering your questions and returning your calls. Good real estate agents understand the importance of communication, and they won’t make you feel neglected.

3. They want to build a relationship with you, not just collect a commission check

Real estate is all about relationship building. Your perfect agent understands this and doesn’t view you as just another transaction to complete before moving onto the next one.

If an agent patiently responds to questions before any deals are made, stays in touch after closing and demonstrates that they’re committed to helping you understand all aspects of your real estate transaction, you’ve found a good match.

4. They have expertise in all things house-related, including home warranties

A real estate agent is your trusted expert for all things real estate related. The best agents have deep knowledge about mortgage lenders and the best contractors in your region. They know how to save time, money, and sanity.

For example, selling agents may recommend a Systems and Appliances Home Warranty which provides coverage during the listing period in case of unexpected failures or repairs.even when your home is actively listed for sale.

5. A good real estate agent isn’t afraid of being honest

Sometimes, the truth hurts. The right agent won’t shy away from telling you uncomfortable truths when you most need to hear them. This is no easy task, especially when emotions are high and money is on the table.

Perhaps your budget is impossibly low for your dream home, or maybe your indecisiveness is making it difficult to submit timely offers on hot properties. No matter what, agents with integrity will speak up when needed.

6. They don’t let setbacks get them down

Buying or selling a home rarely happens without setbacks and complications. You might look at dozens of houses and lose out to more competitive offers, the buyer may not have their financing in order, and the list goes on.

The best real estate agents aren’t afraid of a challenge and a bit of creative problem solving. So, when looking for the right fit, look for someone who will fight for you and stick things out… , even when the going gets tough.

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