Your North Carolina Structural Warranty Representative

For over 17 years, Robbie Dunbar Rivardo has helped real estate professionals and builders as a valued member of the 2-10 HBW team. To her, the best part of her work is the most important part: building relationships and friendships with builders and real estate professionals.

She also takes pride in helping builders and real estate professionals succeed. “If I can educate them on how to grow their business while managing their risk, even better.”

Robbie’s skill and expertise have made her the winner of many awards. She’s won multiple Council of Sales Leadership awards from 2-10 HBW for her success, trustworthiness, and integrity in her work with real estate professionals. She looks forward to parlaying her success in the real estate agent space into her new role as an RMS for builders.

In her personal life, Robbie and her husband avidly raise and ride horses. They currently own five horses and love trail riding around the United States. She’s ridden the Continental Divide, Arizona deserts, Rocky Mountains, and even into the Grand Canyon!

Additionally, Robbie has been in the insurance business for many years. Her family’s business, Wade S. Dunbar Insurance Agency, has represented many builder risk companies over the years.