
The Pros and Cons of Geodesic Dome Homes

– GeoDome – The Pros and Cons of Geodesic Dome Homes

In the 60s and 70s, geodesic dome homes were the wave of the future. Like most waves of the future, they may have been ahead of their time, and interest waned. But now, geodesic dome homes might be making a comeback for several important reasons.

The Advantages

Geodesic domes are growing in popularity among home buyers who want unique structures that can stand up to harsh weather conditions and natural disasters. People also turn to these structures because they are more energy efficient and cost effective than traditional square homes. And there are three major factors that make geodesic dome homes attractive to potential buyers.

Geodesic domes can better resist the elements

The dome shape is efficient at shedding elements such as wind and snow. In fact, there is some evidence that these structures can even withstand hurricane-force winds. This is an especially important consideration for home builders and buyers in the South and Southeast, where hurricanes are becoming more common power powerful every year.

Geodesic domes are particularly resistant to higher winds because they have fewer flat surfaces, allowing the wind to move around the home. In addition to withstanding powerful winds, domed homes can hold up better to strong earthquakes. Concrete domes have even been known to survive flying debris as large as cars.

Geodesic Dome house that's all gray and has no windows

They’re extremely energy efficient

Geodesic domes promote more efficient air circulation and keep temperatures even throughout the structure. This can make them two to four times more energy efficient than traditional homes. These homes also insulate more efficiently due to their unique shape. Since light actually refracts and stays inside the dome, these structures can take full advantage of solar gain, which reduces the need for artificial lighting. For younger buyers who want more energy-efficient homes and aren’t put off by the domed aesthetic, geodesic domes make a lot of sense.

They’re strong

From a pure engineering perspective, geodesic domes are superior to square homes. They are the only man-made structure that actually gets proportionally stronger as they increase in size. They are also lighter, more structurally sound, and require fewer materials. When comprised of bio-ceramics, geodesic domes are also highly fire-resistant. For builders and buyers in the West and Southwest, this could be a strong selling point, as wildfires are becoming stronger and more common.

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The Disadvantages

When it comes to constructing a geodesic home, builders can expect to confront some challenges.

For example, chimneys can be difficult to place and, if it’s a larger home, fire escapes can be expensive to install. It can also be very difficult to create divisions and rooms within domed structures, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience building them.

Since the average home is square, basic appliances, fixtures, and utilities are manufactured for right angles. If you aren’t used to building domed homes, it can be difficult to find off-the-shelf materials that fit the home. While these items are becoming more common as geodesic dome homes continue to gain in popularity, sourcing such items may be more challenging.

In areas regularly affected by tornadoes and hurricanes, modern homeowners are increasingly turning to geodesic domes because they hold up better to storms and high winds. Due to the shift in construction needs, the interior design and utility options for geodesic domes have increased substantially. Still, it takes a knowledgeable builder to streamline the construction of a geodesic dome. If you think you might be able to take advantage of this growing market, now is a good time to familiarize yourself with the construction process and establish relationships with the right suppliers.

A White man with brown beard and white hardhat and gray zip-up jacket standing in front of the construction framing of a house

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