
5 Summertime Maintenance Tips for Your Home

5 Summertime Maintenance Tips for Your Home

Use these five summertime maintenance tips to minimize common problems and maximize your enjoyment of homeownership.

Check Your Roof

Winter and early spring can be tough on your roof. Bad and more extreme weather can chip away at your roof’s sturdiness. Birds, insects, and other critters may have looked for shelter in cracks and crevices. And as the trees start to bud, your gutters may be clogged.

Now that we’re on the other side of frost and ice (for the most part, at least), it’s a good idea to check your roof. Here are a few things to look for and some maintenance tips for resolving problems.

  1. Clean your gutters. Even if you cleaned them in the fall, it’s a good idea to clean them again, especially if you have budding trees nearby. Check out our article for a step-by-step guide to maintaining your gutters.
  2. Look for holes or cracks. Birds and pests sometimes nest in holes or cracks in your roof. Check your eaves for signs of wear or damage, and patch them as necessary.
  3. Check your shingles and flashing. If your shingles are curling, you may need to replace them. Additionally, examine any flashing on your roof to make sure it isn’t pulling away from the house. Loose flashing can cause leaks.

Overseed Your Lawn

May is typically the best time to begin overseeding your lawn. Overseeding just means adding more grass seed to an existing lawn. This helps strengthen your lawn while covering up thinning and patching.

When overseeding, be sure to aerate your lawn first. Then, add grass seed and a thin layer of topsoil. Fertilize your entire lawn, then water deeply. For bare patches, it’s a good idea to keep the soil consistently moist to help seedlings establish themselves.

If you live in drier areas, or in areas that are beginning to ban turfgrass—such as in the Southwest—you may want to consider transitioning to xeriscapes. You don’t need to make the transition all at once (which can be expensive).

Read our comprehensive article for more summertime lawn care tips.

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Drain Your Water Heater

You should drain your hot water tank at least once a year. Draining your hot water tank flushes out mineral buildup that’s accrued over the year. Mineral buildups can force your water heater to work harder than it needs to, which can lead to higher energy bills or water heater breakdowns.

We have a step-by-step guide for how to drain your hot water tank. The most important things to remember are:

  1. Turn off the power and water supply to your tank first.
  2. Let the water in the tank cool to prevent scalding. Typically, 30 minutes is enough time, but it could take up to two hours. (If you must wait two hours, please do. It’s much less time, money, and hassle than a hospital visit for a burn.)
  3. Use a sturdy hose rather than cheap plastic, which can leak.

Keep Your HVAC Units Clean

Your HVAC system (which includes heating, cooling, and ductwork) works year-round. As we transition to warmer weather, it’s important to keep your furnace and air conditioner clean. Here are a couple things to do.

  1. Change your air filters. This simple step goes a long way in maintaining your HVAC system. It helps it run more efficiently and improves the air quality in your house.
  2. Clean your outdoor A/C unit. If you have an outdoor A/C unit, be sure to remove any leaves, grass clippings, and other debris. This will help the unit function more efficiently.

One thing that you likely won’t need to do is have your air ducts professionally cleaned. According to the EPA, duct cleaning doesn’t prevent health problems. Further, there’s no evidence that dusty ducts increase the amount of dust or particulates in the home.

However, if you can see mold growing on your ducts or notice things like rat droppings in your ducts, definitely consider a cleanout, which may uncover other issues.

A Black man with short, cropped hair giving a piggyback ride to a Black woman with braces and long wavy hair. They're both in blue jeans and white t-shirts, smiling, and giving a peace sign, the man with his left hand and the woman with her right hand.

Purchase or Renew Your 2-10 Home Service Plan

A Home Service Plan from 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty (2-10) can protect your budget against expensive breakdowns to important home items. In fact, a 2-10 Home Service Plan could provide budgetary protection against roof leaks, as well as breakdowns to your water heater or HVAC system.

Breakdowns can be very expensive and could make it more challenging to enjoy summertime. After all, spending money on a nice vacation is preferable to shelling out thousands of dollars to address an unexpected breakdown.

So, if you haven’t had the exceptional experience of Home Service Plan coverage through 2-10, now’s the time. You can personalize and purchase a Home Service Plan that fits your home and budget.

And if you’re a valued 2-10 Member, be sure to renew your 2-10 Home Service Plan in time for summer!

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A/C Unit


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