5 Time Management Tips for Busy Builders | 2-10 Blog

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Productivity Tips for Home Builders

Builders always seem to wish they had more hours in a day to help them complete projects on schedule. By managing your time more effectively, you can streamline your projects and finish faster. From delegation to communication to subcontractor management, these tested time-management tips will help your business run more smoothly.

Plan the Project, Every Day

Proper planning goes beyond creating a construction schedule; it’s a daily process that requires rethinking each and every morning. Good planners determine the best construction methods and are careful to make sure all the required resources are on site when they’re needed. While planning is critical at the start of a project, however, it’s also an important ongoing duty. Streamline your project by taking ten minutes each day to step back and consider what needs to be accomplished today, tomorrow and the following week.

Don’t be Afraid to Delegate

Hands-on builders sometimes have difficulty trusting subordinates with important tasks. Unfortunately, even the most skilled and seasoned professionals can’t do it all themselves. When you commit to delegating, you can improve productivity while helping your crew learn new skills, feel more trusted and behave in proactive ways. With that said, effective delegation means making sure the worker is qualified for the task and following up to ensure it is done and done correctly. It may seem like a timewaster, but when you trust your crew to perform new responsibilities, you empower them in ways that will serve you well down the road.

Enhance Communication

Regular instructions, updates and feedback can help reduce confusion and cut down on wasted time. Keep your projects on track by communicating with your managers, workers and subcontractors on a consistent basis. This doesn’t mean scheduling long, unproductive meetings; an email is fine, as long as it includes useful information about where the project stands and what needs to be accomplished in the coming week. In addition to keeping everyone on the same page, regular communication will let your workers and your subs know that you are paying close attention to their activities.

Leverage Technology

Modern builders have access to all sorts of technology that can make their jobs easier. From mobile apps to innovative tools, there are a number of ways you can use modern advancements to streamline your operation. Take the time to research all the possibilities and think of creative ways to incorporate them into your business. You can also talk to other professionals in your industry to learn how they are using technology to make their construction projects run more smoothly.

Don’t be a People-Pleaser

Obviously, you should give your full attention to every interaction with the customer. That said, you don’t have to prioritize interactions with all-comers. Builders are often interrupted by salespeople, visitors and even staff. Instead of letting unproductive conversations distract you from urgent matters, ask the person to contact you at a later time. Remember that ten minutes of idle chit-chat will mean you are getting home ten minutes later that night. Sometimes you have to put the project first and tell people to get back to you when you have time.

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